Pride will have a fall
Pride is not a desirable quality. It is a form of arrogance. Pride indicates a puffed-up ego. It means haughtiness, vanity, vain full boasting. Pride is destructive. It destroys the individual.
Jesus spoke of pride. His exact words are like this; He who exalts himself shall be exalted. In other words, he who boasts and brags about himself will not reach the kingdom of God.
In much the same manner, the Bhagavad Gita condemns pride. Pride is called egoism. He who is egoistic will meet with doom. His fall will be steep and sudden.
Almost all religions condemn pride. Pride teaches disrespect and disregard. The person who has pride is hated by society.
Pride is tolerated if it is justifiable. For example, PT Usha occupies a pride of place in Indian sports. On several occasions, she has done her motherland proud with her brilliant performance.
A brilliant pupil is the pride of his or her class teacher. The school feels proud of him or her.